Absolute Advocacy is the Independent Advocacy Service for Rotherham. The service is provided by Cloverleaf Advocacy.
We believe everyone has the right to speak up for themselves, especially when it’s about their health, care and wellbeing. Not everyone can do this easily – so that’s where we come in. We give people a voice when they find it difficult to express their views, but more than that – we make sure that decisions about them and not made without them.
Cloverleaf Advocacy is an independent charity, and all our services are free and confidential for those who need us. We know our stuff too. We’ve been around 25 years and have a team of more than 100 highly-trained advocates available to help people across the North of England. Although we’re not part of the NHS or social care services, we do understand how they work.
We can help people to:
· Find information
· Understand and uphold their rights
· Consider their options
· Get the support they need
· Speak up about the issues that matter to them
Please contact us on 01709 794294 if you would like more information
about our service or would like to make a referral.
Independent Mental Capacity Advocates are known as ‘IMCAs’. They’re specially trained to support people who lack capacity to make specific decisions and who don’t have anyone who can be consulted on their behalf. The IMCA ensures that their views and wishes are heard. It’s a statutory service. This means that, under the Mental Capacity Act, local authorities and NHS organisations must refer people who need an IMCA.

Care Act advocates support people who are finding it difficult to go through a social care process (e.g. assessment, review, safeguarding, carers assessment). The service is for those who don’t have anyone who can help them to be, or stay, involved. It’s a statutory service. This means that under the Care Act, local authorities must involve people in decisions about their care and support needs. They must also make referrals to the service if someone needs an advocate.

Independent Mental Capacity Advocates (DoLs) are specifically trained to support people who lack capacity to ensure their views and wishes are heard. They’re trained in the Mental Capacity Act and the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards to offer advocacy to those being assessed under Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards; people without a Relevant Person’s Representative and unpaid Relevant Person’s Representatives. It’s a statutory service. This means that, under the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards, local authorities must refer people who need an IMCA.

Independent Mental Health Advocates support people with decisions about their mental health care and treatment. This includes people detained under the Mental Health Act; people on a Supervised Community Treatment Order; people who’ve been conditionally discharged and people who are subject to a Guardianship Order. It’s a statutory service. This means that, under the Mental Health Act, the NHS and private care providers must provide people with information about their right to an IMHA. They should also make referrals to the service if someone wants or needs an advocate.

Our community advocates are on hand to support people with lots of different needs to have their voices heard. This service is of particular use to anyone who needs help to have their voice heard about their social care or mental health support. It is not a statutory service. This means that in different areas, there will be different criteria for being able to have support from an advocate.

Independent Health Complaints Advocates are trained to guide anyone who needs guidance making a complaint about an NHS or NHS funded service through the complaints process. It’s a statutory service which means that anyone making a complaint about the NHS has a right to advocacy support. People can have help from an advocate at any point in the complaints process.